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Created in Paris in 2002, OMNIA is the first French independent advisory and networking agency specialized in the Middle East, Levant countries, and Maghreb.In the years since, the company has seen its business grow in the countries around the Persian Gulf.
OMNIA has developed a unique expertise in the region, now tightly woven into the networks of influence of the political and economic leaders with whom the company has worked for many years.Today, OMNIA has become a key player in the fields of strategic consultancy and institutional relations, and an influencer in the field of business communication, in France and internationally.


The Leaders profile series gives investors, businessmen and government officials alike a chance to learn about the forces that drive the economies around the Arab Gulf, through personal insights, recommendations, caveats and personal anecdotes.

The books give business and industrial sectors leaders a real tribune.The books contain invaluable information on local business conditions as seen through the eyes of the movers and shakers involved in a broad array of successful business and government projects, and give readers a feel for a country’s investment climate, growth potential, financial stability and infrastructure.


Investing in Saudi Arabia

Driven by powerful demographic forces, global technological changes, and the long-term potential decline in oil demand, the Middle East is undergoing monumental changes not seen for generations. Growth expectations in the region are ramping up, particularly for those countries undertaking muchneeded reforms to expand employment prospects, loosen business and social restrictions, and especially important for petrostates diversify their economies.
The GCC has grown to become an epicenter of global trade. From the UAE’s globally recognized logistics hubs to Saudi Arabia’s groundbreaking developments in the renewable energy field, the GCC states have produced some of the world’s foremost hubs across multiple industries.


OMNIA is a French company taking French savoir-faire to the international stage.
Our rigorousness, our methods, our refined approach, and our solutions of the highest quality have given us the recognition, respect and confidence of our clients. Its core values – competence, loyalty, discretion, transparency, and openness enable the company to develop very strong relationships with its clients. For many years years our expertise in numerous foreign markets has been our strength.
Created in Paris in 2002, OMNIA is the first French independent advisory and networking agency specialized in the Middle East, Levant countries, and Maghreb. In the years since, the company has seen its business grow in the countries around the Persian Gulf. OMNIA has developed a unique expertise in the region, now tightly woven into the networks of influence of the political and economic leaders with whom the company has worked for many years.
Today, OMNIA has become a key player in the fields of strategic advisory and institutional relations, and an influencer in the field of business communication, in France and internationally.

OMNIA can count on the quality of its teams and the strength of its values: the imagination to create, the audacity to dare, the will to succeed.

Marie-Gabrielle PALAU

Founder & CEO

Palau Marie Gabrielle CEO of OMNIA




The Leaders profile series gives investors, businessmen and government officials a like a chance to learn about the forces that drive the economies around the Arab Gulf, through personal insights, recommendations, caveats and personal anecdotes.

The books give business and industrial sectors leaders a real tribune.


These profiles provide you with :

- Biography data

- Full business stories + insights 

- Vision, Mission + Strategy

- Contact details

- Affiliations & Awards

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The Leaders series of profiles books is an innovative resource through which businesses and governments can inform potential investors about current public, private, and joint venture projects currently underway or planned in the MENA region. The books contain invaluable information on local business conditions as seen through the eyes of the movers and shakers involved in a broad array of successful business and government projects, and give readers a feel for a country’s investment climate, growth potential, financial stability and infrastructure.

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In 2006, OMNIA entered the world of television production and in 3 languages created the series “This is Saudi Arabia” (“Un Oeil sur l’Arabie Saoudite”) broadcasted on France 24, France Television’s international channel.

The goal of these series is to promote a country through the eyes of an influential local business man or woman acting as the mouthpiece for their industry; these series are also available for other countries.

Today we are still working with France 24 and have widened our offers thanks to our collaborations with TV5 Monde, Bloomberg and CNN.

FRANCE 24 Production

FRANCE 24 Production

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NCB SAMBA Chairman Talking with France 24

FRANCE 24 Production

FRANCE 24 Production

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Saudi Fransi Bank CEO on air with France 24

Leader's Insight
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Talal Al Ajmi, VI Markets, Kuwait

Abdelrahman Al Khannah, BIG, Kuwait

Mohammad Ramadan,                     
Nael Al Hazeem Group, Kuwait


Dr. Haneen Al Shoaib, UBT, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Dr. Fouziyah Al Jarallah, Hayat National Hospitals Group, Saudi Arabia


We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks and respect for your company that for years has worked at promoting our country, its spectacular developments it’s rising world position and the efforts put in place to attract foreign interest and boost partnerships with other countries.

Abdullah Al Dabbagh
President, Saudi Arabian General Investment Authority (SAGIA)

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